
Highlights from the history of the Hope Station House.

Important Events in the History of the Station House

The Station House has had a colourful history and has impacted many different people and communities.

Date Event
1916 A year after the Canadian Northern Railway completed its transcontinental line from Vancouver to Montreal, the Hope Station House was built at the junction of Hudson's Bay Street and Fifth Avenue at a cost of $7,250.
1942 The Hope Station was often the first stop in the forced removal of over 22,000 Japanese Canadians from the west coast of British Columbia. Nearly 8,000 of these citizens stepped foot on the platform as the Hope CNR station was the connector to the rest of the province and sites of internment that those of Japanese ancestry were unjustly sent to. 2,644 of these citizens were loaded in the back of trucks at the station house to make the 19 km journey to Tashme.
Source: Nikkei National Museum
1950s During a royal tour across Canada by train, Queen Elizabeth stopped at the Hope Station House to greet residents.
1982 The District of Hope passed By-law 633 protecting the Station House as a heritage site.
1984 The Station House was moved from its original location at Hudson's Bay Street and Fifth Avenue to the corner of Water Ave and the Hope Princeton Highway.
January 2015 Stewardship of the Station House was transferred from the Hope Station House Community Arts and Heritage Society to the District of Hope under a good faith agreement that the District would preserve the building and celebrate its legacy in all future decisions regarding its management and/or development.